Friday, September 3, 2010


It is proposed that the QVMAG:IBoG be assigned the following tasks:
1. The preparation of a DRAFT constitution for the QVMAG Board of Governors/Trustees
2. The preparation of a DRAFT five year Strategic and Marketing Plan for the QVMAG in consultation with LCC/QVMAG management and the museum’s COI;
3. Consistent with that, the oversighting of the preparation of appropriate short term business-cum-enterprise plans for the operation and its programs;
4. Consistent with that, the oversighting of the auditing of the QVMAG operation, management structure and policy sets and the identification of appropriate model operational policies that fit the QVMAG’s purposes;
5. Consistent with that, the oversighting of the preparation of ongoing quality assurance benchmarks for the institution in consultation with the LCC General Manager and QVMAG staff;
6. Initiate a consultation process that actively engages with the QVMAG’s COI and that feeds into the above tasks;
7. By April 1 2011, the development of recommendations for an appropriate ongoing governance model with a view to putting in place a stand alone arms length Board of Governors/Trustees for the QVMAG;
8. The recruitment of a Director, or a Directorate, for the QVMAG with the capabilities and capacities to deliver on the QVMAG’s quality assurance regimes; plus the implementation of
9. Change management within the institution to ensure a smooth transition to the reformed governance and management paradigm; and
10. The preparation of a Funding Report that reviews the institution’s funding options, opportunities and mechanisms – Local, State, Federal Govt. plus other.

Policy Making QVMAG
Proposed Membership: Interim Board of Governors
Proposed Tasks: Interim Board of Governors
APPENDIX #1: Notes on Special Purpose Commissioner
APPENDIX #2: Notes on Community of Ownership & Interest
LINK: Submission to Tas State Govt. CLICK HERE
LINK: Open Letter QVMAG Governance CLICK HERE

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